Dismantling The Illegitimate Authority of the 'Man Of God' In Your Life

The Freedom To Question If you are reading this, you have the freedom to explore the Word of God without being bound to any man or institution that claims divine authority over you. In these pages, I am asking you to test every claim made by man—if a claim is true, then it will be able to stand in truth without fear. I invite you to read this series in its entirety, reflect deeply, and consider repentance as we examine teachings that may have mislead you. God loves you deeply, he will walk with you if you let Him. ...

6 min

The Man Of God (MOG)

The UPCI places a heavy emphasis on the role and authority of the church leader (pastor/MOG). Much of this authority—and many of its teachings—are rooted in Old Testament precepts and misapplied allegorical connections to the New Testament. In doing so, the simplicity of Christ’s message is overshadowed by a works-based faith. The MOG is tasked with instructing, correcting, and operating within the bounds of UPCI doctrine. As a result; the MOG is the physical representation of the denominational doctrine. ...

5 min

The Outcomes We Observe

The reality is that these man-made shackles and precepts will drive you to self-destruction, leaving you to either blame yourself or give up entirely—dropping God or resigning yourself to be a shell of your former self, a puppet simply “keeping your head down” and obeying the MOG. Take a good look at your local UPCI congregation. Observe the patterns of life and the fruit that emerges beyond the surface level. You might notice an “inner circle” around the MOG (often characterized by nepotism), individuals on the periphery who simply “keep their head down,” the same ‘AMEN’ and ‘RIGHT’ shouters during preaching, “on fire” believers celebrated for their zeal, and new people occasionally rotating in and out of the church with minmial long term growth of new believers. ...

6 min

The Gatekeeper of God

Galatians 5:1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. As the representation of the doctrine, MOGs are tasked with ensuring unity (submission)—this is most visible in the fixation on regulating a church member’s outward appearance. As mentioned earlier; this exerted ‘control’ is on a spectrum of intention & forcefulness: ranging from those honestly trying to enforce ‘platform standards’ to honor God, to an insatiable need to rule over people’s lives entirely. Unfortunately, both ends of the spectrum commit the same error regardless of intention. ...

16 min

The Anointed One

Psalm 105:15 , saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” If you have been around the UPCI for any amount of time it is guaranteed that you have heard this verse preached in the instruction to never question the MOG. This is a clear example to the importance of context—Just a few verses before this oft-twisted passage, we read: Psalm 105:12-15 When they were few in number, of littler account, and sojourners in it, wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account, saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” ...

7 min

The Priesthood

This particular concept is intrinsically tied to the concept of mandated tithing as was tradition within the Mosaiac law and is a cornerstone of UPCI ideals. For the sake of trying to keep this section relatively concise, I would encourage you to read a non-denominational - straight biblical examination into the modern day concept of tithing. Explore what tithing was prescribed for under the law, “first fruits”, as well as what tithes were paid with as a starting point to examine if those same principles align with what we are told today. ...

4 min

The Mouthpiece & Prophet Of God

❗ Caution “A “prophet” in the NT is one who speaks on God’s behalf. While all preachers are God’s spokespersons, some have a special ministry of speaking for God in certain situations, speaking to God’s people and fellow leaders to give encouragement, warning, and guidance.” - General Superintendent of the UPCI quote: Source Thank you Dr. for this eloquent quote. It encapsulates the false notion of “special levels” in Christ—a super-exclusive club reserved for VIP Christians. I’m certain that the author is referring to himself as one of these “super, prophetic leaders”. This mindset originates at the top of the organization and spreads like gangrene through every layer of leadership. Also, we must point out the fact that God does not need a “spokesperson”! ...

6 min

The Mediator Of God

The MOG (Man Of God) is well established within the church as the one who hears from God, the one who can discern God’s will for your life, the one who knows God’s timing. This creates an extraordinary dependence on the MOG for church members regarding personal decisions; and when left unchecked, it spreads like cancer into every corner of a believer’s life. As previously discussed, fear is the tool of choice used to deter you from listening to what you perceive to be God’s will—or even your own personal ambitions. ...

9 min

The Authority Of God

Deceptive MOGs (Man Of God) will rip verses in and out of context throughout sermons—enough to give you whiplash! Within these mishandlings of Scripture, you’ll inevitably hear shouted opinions, judgment, and condemnation interwoven with biblical passages. This effectively creates an “appearance of biblical authority” for these man-made precepts, leading listeners to equate the MOG’s opinions with what Scripture truly says. The implication is that the MOG is so proficient in the Word that his preaching is fully biblical and perfectly cohesive in God’s word. ...

5 min

The Vision Setter Of God

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish Many have likely heard their MOG quote this verse without reciting it in full—omitting the concluding phrase, “but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” In other cases, the term “the law” is extracted from its context and repurposed to support the MOG’s rule and the misapplication of God’s Word to reinforce his “vision”. This concept is born from the teaching that the MOG has been entrusted with the care of the flock and therefore has a mandate to cast a vision for the church. That vision can be all-encompassing, ranging from the annual “theme” of the congregation, 30 days of consecration, church wide fasting, the misappropriation of church funds and even to promises of a new church building or parking lot—commitments that are often proclaimed but rarely fulfilled. ...

3 min